Saturday, March 6, 2010

Brooklyn Egg Cream

This recipe took us about 15 minutes to make, including prep and "cook" time.

1/2 cup milk
1 12 ounce Coca Cola glass
1/4 cup seltzer water
3/4 inch chocolate flavor syrup

Instructions (makes one glass):

1. Chill glass in freezer for 10 minutes.

2. Pour milk into the chilled glass.

3. Shoot the seltzer water into the milk hard, until a white head reaches the top of the glass. Then pour in the syrup very slowly and gradually stir it on the bottom so you don't disturb the foam on the top. When you pull the spoon out, the chocolate should be on the bottom and white foam should be on the top. Adjust the amount of chocolate depending on how sweet you want it.

When we first talked about making this drink, Carter's roommate chimed in to tell us how much he loved egg creams! He said that his Jewish mother used to make them for him as a child, because she grew up drinking them in New York. This convinced us that this was the right dish to top off our cookbook!

To be an egg cream connoisseur you had to have grown up near a candy store watching the soda jerk make his version. Part of the process is getting a stream of seltzer at high pressure, to make it foamy. (Nathan, p. 380)

And that is where we failed miserably. When Sarah opened the seltzer water, it exploded everywhere and got into every nook and cranny of Carter's kitchen, except the glass it was aimed at. We tried shaking the seltzer water bottle to make it foamy again, but it didn't work the way we'd hoped. So, sadly, we had to settle for foamless egg creams, which don't taste nearly as good!

Hopefully, you'll have better luck than we did!

-Sarah & Carter

(This recipe was adapted from page 380 of Joan Nathan's book "Jewish Cooking in America")

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