Saturday, March 6, 2010

Janos Wilder’s New American Haroset

This recipe took us around 40 minutes to make, including prep and cook time.


2 granny smith apples

Juice of half a lemon

½ cup fresh mango

½ cup almonds

½ teaspoon of cinnamon

1 tablespoon of honey

3 tablespoons of Manischewitz blackberry wine

Instructions: (Makes about two cups)

1. Peel, core, and dice the apples and sprinkle with the lemon juice.

2. Peel and dice the mango.

3. Chop the almonds.

4. Place all ingredients in a food processor. Pulse once or twice just to break up. Let sit for the flavors to soak in.

Traditional haroset is served as one of the main foods on the Passover Seder plate, representing the “mortar the Jews used to build Egyptian structures.” (Pindling, 2010)

This haroset, however, is a variation of the traditional recipe. Instead of using pecans, we used almonds (we forgot to buy the pecans!) and we also incorporated mangoes, just to be creative.

Carter had never tasted haroset before we made it for this project. Although the mixture looked to him like a random concoction of ingredients, he was a good sport and agreed to try it. To Sarah’s surprise (and his own), he really liked it.

Sarah was excited to make it from the beginning because it’s always been her favorite thing on the Passover table (except for the Manishewitz, naturally!).

-Sarah & Carter

(This recipe was adapted from page 390 of Joan Nathan's book "Jewish Cooking in America")

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